Monday, April 7, 2014

Troubled Street

Troubled Street

Surprised never gets doll once tickled by unsuspected one
Uncommon scenario tied with ones innocent reaction by a simple hello as introduction
The Clock is ticking but no one wants to notice the minutes have been spent
The only thing is clear was the laughers that were shared from end to end
I am uncertain about the innocent happiness I feel looking at my fingertips
Staring my phone wondering how it rings, for once I never notice the giggles in my heart
Something so strange that keeps my face locked smiling for no reasons Wondering how my day went with this extra hour of not so vivid face stock in my head
I guess happiness is everywhere, but I can’t explain how I end up smiling
My day was once so ordinary but not until I made one move that will forever stay in my memory
Remembering name is not so strong in my vocabulary but
Forgetting ones name while I am smiling is not so easy, I would say
I don’t have enough time to wonder what happened to me today
However, I have all the extra minutes possible to complete my day with this twist in the end
This is wrong to be glad at something that keeps the traffic flow with troubles
Nevertheless, my car can no longer run with the empty tank and
I rather walk with you hand in hand wither is under the sun or cloudy skies
By: Rosabella

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