Friday, May 10, 2013

"The torture of Your Love"

"The torture of Your Love"
I’ve tried to forgot you for a while but you come back
 You disrupted my perplexed aching immortal broken heart
 What can I do to makes you think I can move on?
 Is it something you feel when you leave me alone
 You may be right for a while, but how would I tell you I am not like you?
 I may be looking happy in my present life without you by my side
 However, how can you feel my loneliness inside while I’m out of your site?
 You are the only one, can fix my shattered bloody heart
 I am trying to be strong each time I am alone
 Why can’t I forget you and just hate you for making me feel blue
 I know I can’t hold you close to me like we use to do back in an old days
 Yes, you might be just really a single piece of my sad story
 I will keep each of your memory, not to restore it someday
 But to use it as guide so I will not going to fall to one at the same line

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